Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Very Delinquent Posting! Sorry -THANKSGIVING!

So we've been very delinquent about posting and updating this blog.

We promise to try to be better at this!

We have all had a lot of fun exploring the city since we last posted way back in August 2010.

One of the highlights of the fall was the Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Our Ohio family came in to spend the holiday with us and we all decided to get up VERY early to make the trek all the way over to the Upper West Side to catch the parade as it made its way down Central Park West toward Columbus Circle.

I griped a bit (a BUNCH) about how early we were getting up, but I have to confess that I really enjoyed the parade. It was really fun. There was so much to see and the kiddo and her cousins really enjoyed seeing all their favo[u]rite characters from books and TV. The kiddo is a little too small to really take it all in but her cousins really got to see everything up close and personal as they were promptly scooted up to the front of the crowd. They were able to watch the entire parade standing right at the barrier.

Here are just a few photos.

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